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    « Nancy Drew was FANTASTIC!!! | Main | Summer Kits... »

    June 19, 2007



    I can't see anything with this post... either it isn't coming up or it's to come later?? I'm sure it's a good one!


    What a GREAT idea! I love it! So cute!!!

    Natalie Allen

    SO CUTE!!!! I wish our primary presidency was as crafty, talented, creative and cool as this idea...i am going to have to do this next year with my kids!


    Oh my goodness... how cute is that!! I bet those dad's that Sunday looked adorable! The one dad was totally out of place, I'm sure! I find a lot of good stuff with the Oriental Trading Company, especially for big projects with a lot of people. I just loved this idea... I'll remember this if I am ever in the primary-- I'd totally be a hit!

    Holly Child

    Darling idea!! Too bad for the lame dad! LOL!! ;o)

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