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    March 11, 2010


    Mary Ann

    How cute! We have our 15yr old special needs granddaughter with us for Spring break but maybe on Sunday she and her Poppy will head off to a movie and I'll get some time.


    That is BEYOND clever! And my son would love that! Now I am bummed that St. Patricks Day falls during Spring Break!!

    This one will be up on my blog on Monday!!


    Unbelieveably CUTE! Thanks for sharing your ideas- they make my day!


    So totally cute! Love the play on words! lol


    That is so cute!! I'm totally making one for my son!

    Kari @ Ucreate

    Thank you for sharing this with me and I'll be featuring!!


    Oh my, I wish I had spotted this earlier. Paddy's Day is tomorrow - and we are heading to the parade in Dublin, Ireland. My son wouldn't be seen dead in any Paddy-related outfit, but as a rock-fan, he would love this. So cool!!! Fantastic idea!!!


    What a cute idea!

    Holly L

    I think yours looks it cost $40 or more. Really cute and different way to celebrate St. Patty's Day!


    love this shirt! I am showing it off on my blog tomorrow at Come check it out and please feel free to grab my "I've been featured" button! Thanks for the great idea!


    I just found you thru U-Create...and I am SO glad. What a beautiful blog and a lovely family! I am going to be working on the arm warmers this it gives me a reason to hit Target (like I really NEEDED one!) :) Hugs, Ingrid

    hair loss and propecia

    How do I publish short stories with other people's rock lyrics?
    I want to publish a collection on Lulu or some other book press and possibly give them away for free...but the stories have lyrics in them. If the books are free do I need permission? Otherwise how do I get it?


    This is really cute. Thanks for the great tutorial.


    I've seen this all over Pinterest today, it's so cute! Great tutorial!
    I'd love for you to come link this up to my *Get Creative* party this week
    Hope to see you there!


    Love this shirt! many thanks for the wonderful idea and tutorial. :)


    I just LOVE this!! I featured you on my FB page today and Id LOVE for you to link up to my fashion party this week. It's called DIY Diva Thursdays and we party every th-m ;)



    This is adorable! I was hoping that you could tell me what the metal studs are and where you bought them! TIA
    [email protected]


    I have been wanting to make this shirt for 2 yrs. now. I am finally working on this shirt tonite for a St. Pattys day party next week. So adorable!! I too, would like to know where you got the metal studs. Thanks for the great tutorial!

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